I have been obsessed – OBSESSED with figuring out what colors look best on me. Color analysis is not a new concept and it was always something I meant to do… I’d get to it eventually. Well, “eventually” came this past weekend.
You can get this professionally done, but it’s not that serious for me, so I used some free sites.
The first site you can check out is colorwise.me
You can also download the app “StyleDNA”
Once you upload your photos, the site will analyze your coloring and give you a palette that best suits you! I uploaded multiple photos just to double check and I got the same answer every time… (drumroll please)
I’m a Soft Summer!!
It’s been so fun digging into the soft summer color palette because I’ve realized it’s basically all the colors I don’t own. (This has also been slightly traumatizing haha.) Soft summers look best in muted colors, not jewel tones or neons. Colors with a cool undertone are also ideal. I always gravitate towards warmer colors, so this is a shock to me. I knew that pale blue looked good on me, but I also love reds and warm pinks. I think I can still wear those, they just need to be a more muted tone.
Here are a few of the colors suggested in my color palette:

A few soft summer celebrities are Rachel McAdams, Dakota Johnson, Bella Hadid, Jasmine Sanders, Leona Lewis, Jennifer Aniston, and Kate Middleton. I’ll definitely be studying some of their best looks to get some pointers.
Another thing suggested for soft summers, is to wear low-contrast outfits. This is another style technique I’ve recently read about that I could go on and on with! Basically, monochromatic looks are better than highly contrasting colors. I can’t wait to test this theory out!
One example is how Blake Lively looks better in low-contrast outfits vs high contrast because her features are low contrast themselves. It’s wildly how I’ve never thought about it this way, but it makes so much sense when you see examples.

She doesn’t often wear high-contrast anymore, likely because she knows low-contrast is better for her. I also think she must be an autumn or spring because I think warmer colors look better on her.

I mean…. she’s killing it in these looks. And I love that she can wear bright colors and it doesn’t overwhelm her. That yellow would be wayyyy too much for me!
Anyways, I’m so excited to start dressing more according to my color palette and see if I really see a difference!
Do you know your season? If not, I encourage you to find out! It’s so much fun!
Also, this doesn’t mean you have to completely throw out your old wardrobe. I definitely still plan on wearing some of my old brighter colors. I’m just going to keep in mind this new color palette when I’m shopping for new items. The most important part is that you feel good in whatever you’re wearing!
Katelynn Ann