So, tbh, I already wrote a post about New Years and how last year was rough and blah blah blah. I’m not posting that one. Why you ask? I reread it and it was just depressing. And while, yes, 2019 did not go as planned and for about 11 months of it I struggled hardcore, it wasn’t all bad. I learned a lot about myself. I accomplished a lot. And when I wrote the other post, I was being really hard on myself. Life doesn’t always go according to plan (ok, honestly it never goes according to plan). And that’s ok…. I’m in a new “season” of life (as they like to say) and it’s getting me closer to where I ultimately want to be. Am I saying it was easy? F*ck no. Am I still an emotional wreck most of the time? Yep. But after truly looking back on this past year, most of what I went through was a blessing. Things don’t work out for a reason and I’m better off for it.
Anyways, long rant, but this year I’m trying to be kinder to myself. To appreciate where I am and what I have. To just be in the moment and appreciate how far I’ve come. I also want to listen to myself more and treat myself right. Mentally, physically, emotionally. This year is a “me” year. So, no goals per say, except to get back on track and not lose my shit while doing it!

So in the spirit of this new decade (woah, still weird), here were my 2019 goals.. and here’s how I did. (Spoiler alert, I didn’t do well…)
- Travel to two new places – Ok, this one wasn’t my fault. I ended up visiting my friend in California earlier in the year and that was an amazing trip! Saw the most beautiful poppies, hiked Runyon, hung out on the beach and just spent time with friends. The second place I was supposed to visit was Charleston and well… the hurricane ruined that for me. There was other travel involved, but to places I know and love already. Oh well, there’s always this year.
- Drink more water – HA. Ok, so I’m still the most dehydrated person on the planet. BUT, I invested in my fav water bottle from Healthish and literally almost everyone I know has also bought one. (Too bad I didn’t make commission.) Their water bottle has a classic design and has marks for each hour for how much you should be drinking. I was on a roll for while and then… well idk what happened. There’s no excuse. But 2020 Katie is going to be one hydrated betch!! Just wait!
- Pay off my credit cards – ok, anyone who knows me knows this didn’t happen.
- Make a budget – Instead of a budget I actually made a savings plan. And so far so good with that. Basically my new budget is: save x amount, buy necessities (ok and some fun stuff too) and then the rest goes to bills. This one is a work in progress, but I’m better off than I was a year ago and that’s gotta count for something!
- Go to the gym more – ok this one did happen!! Until I moved.. but that was a big life disruption, so I’m giving myself a pass. And for basically half the year I hit this goal. Andddd I’ve already worked out more this year than I ever have in my life, so there’s that right?
- Start saying “yes” to things outside my comfort zone – this one is complicated. I moved to Nashville alone with no job… so that was outside my comfort zone. Was it technically saying “yes”? Idk. Either way, I did a bunch of shit this year that was outta my comfort zone, so I’m gonna go ahead and say this one’s accomplished.
Well, that’s it! I hope everyone is having a great start to their year! I’d love to hear some of your goals for this year or this new decade. Lord, I never think that far in advance, but if you got one, I’m all ears!
Thanks for reading!
Katelynn Ann
Love your mindset! This year I want to take a class to learn a new skill, also pay off my credit cards (girl, I feel you, that one is hard) and make a few solid moves in my career.
Yes I love all those goals!!! I’d also like to learn a new skill – that’s a great one! And for the credit cards… ugh. I wish I could have a little self-control. But maybe this year will be the year…